UMSU International is the official representative body for all international students at the University of Melbourne. Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate, whether you study abroad or are an exchange student, we are your voice on campus! 🌏💙
We provide representation, peer support and events such as International Brekkie, Night Market, and PR/Visa Workshop. We also advocate for international students, primarily through our International Student Survey (find the 2022 and 2023 ISS Reports here).
UMSU International Committee 2024/2025

Executive Committee:
President: Jesslyn Alexis ANDRIONO
Vice-President (Education & Welfare): Yuxuan LIU (Linda)
Vice-President (Cultural & Social): Korakot SAINGAM (Kayden)
Vice-President (Media & Marketing): Zhao He KOK (Zhao)
General Secretary: Qi Evelyn WANG (Evelyn)
Treasurer: Seoyoun KIM (Youn)
Central Committee:
Welfare Director: Aerizqa Aisyah RAKHMADANI
Welfare Officers:
Isabelle Hung Ching HII
Daakshayani NEGI (Daaksha)
Kathryn WANG
Cornellius SALIM (Cornel)
Jasmine Qawiemah Matakim LEONG
Education Director: Tiffany Au YEUNG
Education Officers:
Momoka HONDA
Yin-Xi Chloe LIN
Irina Gabriella ANANDA
Olivia Tzy-Jun LIN
Pavitra RAVI
Graduate Director: Shruthi Tharmia PRABHUSHANKAR
Education Officers:
Smruti Jitendra MHALGI
Cultural & Social Officers:
Xin Huai LEE (Aceline)
Shreeyukta ADHIKARI
Ynez WU
Isaac Hung Nguong HII
Shamika SHARMA
Minh Dat NGUYEN (Damian)
Media & Marketing Director: Winnie (Wanying) LAO
Media & Marketing Officers:
Made Vinaya WIHARSA
Alyssa Nathania RESWARI
Ashley Audilia OETEMO
Human Resources Director: Kayven Claus SATRIO
Human Resources Officer:
Jasmine LOW
Partnership & Sponsorship Director: Ella Jiayu LIANG
Partnership & Sponsorship Officer:
Lavaanya YADAV
Vision & Mission
Our Vision
For University of Melbourne International Students to be integrated in the student community and feel like they're at home!
Our Mission
Care for, stand for, act for international students
Learn more about UMSU International

Our Departments
The Education team works to improve students’ academic experience and prepare students for the workforce through amazing workshops and campaigns.
The Welfare department is in charge of the wellbeing of students by raising awareness and increasing accessibility to resources. Essentially, the Welfare department is in charge of making sure that international students are happy and healthy!
Cultural and Social
The Cultural and Social department is the team behind our iconic cultural and social events including Amazing Race, Food Adventure, Night Market and many more!
Media and Marketing
The Media and Marketing department is responsible for all of UMSU International’s designs, promotions, and publicity. If you engage with our social media pages, you are looking at the proud work of the Media and Marketing department!
Partnership and Sponsorship
The Partnership and Sponsorhsip department is centered around liaising and building connections with sponsors and clubs within the University of Melbourne. If you have any collaboration or partnership enquiries/requests, you can get into contact with the Partnership and Sponsorship team!
Human Resource
The Human Resource department is in charge of anything manpower-related, including recruiting and managing the International Student Ambassador (ISAs).